Assalamualaikum/Selamat pagi/Selamat petang semua.
Okay,let me start off by saying Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah kerana ujian dan nikmat yang diberikan. Humans are not perfect. Everyone has their own weaknesses and strength. But, what matters the most is giving your heart and soul to the Almighty Creator. Anyway, back to the story, what I wanted to write in this post is actually regarding nikmat dan ujian.
Ingt tak entry aku yang dulu-dulu tuh ? Regarding placement, IUMC and stuff. Kalau tak ingt, scroll la di bawah ye untuk mencarinya atau click di sini. Anyway, this week has been such a blissful week for me. Well, a lot of things had happen actually. Be it bad or good, life will continue to go on. But again, I’m feeling grateful for everything. It all started on Monday, 9 April 2012. During that time, most of the students were quite busy memorizing the gaya bahasa needed to answer Malay Paper 1 for the mock exam. At the same time, I was busy gossiping with my buddies till someone shouted that the interview results for RCSI dah kluar and boleh tengok kat yahoo group. lub dub lub dub lub dub. Cepat-cepat jantung ni berdegup kencang (macam caller ringtone Fasu) and darah pun dah menyirap satu badan. Ye la kan, baru seminggu lebih attend interview and result pun dah kuar. At first macam cuak but then I’ve decided to go to the toilet first nak menenangkan hati. Mana tahu bila tgk result nanti terkencing @ terkincit ke kan. So better sediakan payung sebelum hujan. Anyway, after that, I quickly came out of the toilet and nampak Zaki dah terloncat-loncat kegembiraan. By that time I knew he got the offer and aku pun tumpang gembira. Lagi la bertambah kerunsingan di jiwa ni. At the same time, certain people were checking the results at one of the student punya Blackberry phone. So dengan jiwa yang tabah, aku pun melangkah ke tempat tu and check my name. Scroll and scroll and keep scrolling until tetiba ternampak nama aku. Fuh. Punya la terkejut and rasa macam nak pengsan but again still mampu mengawal perasaan. So at the end of the day,Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah kerana akhirnya dapat juga placement offer after several fail attempts. I got the offer to RCSI Dublin for 5 year course.
Anyway,thats not the main thing that I want to talk about. The main thing is the value that I learnt throughout the journey of getting a placement. As I said before,life is not easy and we cant always be on the top or bottom everytime. There are times when you feel down and there are times when you feel happy. But in the end, you’ll get through it. Again, I would like to highlight these points :
Tak semua benda yang kita rasa bagus untuk kita adalah baik dan tak semua benda yang kita rasa tak bagus adalah buruk untuk kita. This is based on one of the surah in the Holy Al-Quran :
“... tetapi boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu, padahal itu baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia tidak baik bagimu. Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui. “ [2:216].
So get the point ? Ingtlah, tak semua benda yang kita ingt bagus untuk kita adalah yang terbaik untuk kita. Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Mengetahui jadi janganlah putus harapan dengan-Nya. Contoh ? Okay, aku ambil contoh perihal IUMC. At first, masa x dapat IUMC tu memang la frust menonggeng sebab at that time, IUMC je peluang yang ada coz aku x dpt PMC and AUCMS punya interview. So bila x dapat tuh, mula la risau sepanjang masa sebab xde placement offer. But, I got friends. Supportive friends. And most of them bagi nasihat. And the most touching punya nasihat is when a friend of mine said “percayalah pada takdir Allah. Insyaallah ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni. Jangan risau and teruskanlah berdoa kepada Allah. JANGAN PUTUS ASA”. Wow. Memang mesej ni sampai habis la. Then starting from that moment, I began to forget about IUMC. Tapi luka tuh masih ada. Then diberi peluang pula untuk interview RCSI and alhamdulillah dapat offer. See ? thats where the “ada hikmah di sebalik semua ini” comes in. So,ingtlah, kita usaha sebaik mungkin and jangan berhenti berdoa kepada Tuhan kerana Tuhan itu Maha Mengetahui yang terbaik untuk kita. Again, I’m grateful to Allah kerana diberi peluang untuk melalui ujian ini. Besides, going to RCSI has been one of my childhood dreams. Insyaallah.
Nikmat itu sebenarnya satu ujian. Dan janganlah leka dengan nikmat yang diberi. This is also based on of the surah in one of theQuran which is
“...Sesungguhnya aku diberi nikmat ini hanyalah kerana kepintaranku. Sebenarnya, itu adalah ujian, tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui” [39:49].
So what does this ayat is trying to explain ? Well, to quote from a friend of mine, he said that what the ayat is trying to explain is that certain people in this world menganggap kejayaan yang dicapai itu adalah berdasarkan usaha yang dilakukan oleh seseorang itu SAHAJA. Actually, kita semua kene ingt yang kita ni hamba Allah, jadi semua perkara yang terjadi kpd kita datangnya dari Allah. Jadi janganlah bangga atau bongkak dengan mengatakan kejayaan atau nikmat yang kita dapat tuh datang daripada kita.Memang betul yang kita usaha, tapi kene ingt, Tuhan yang tentukan segala-galanya. Jadi, anggaplah nikmat itu sebagai satu ujian untuk menguji keimanan dan ketaatan kita kepada Allah. Jadi, I just hope with the good news that I’ve just received, I wont be lalai and leka and anggap ia sebagai satu cabaran dan ujian dari Allah.
Okay,done with the reflection part. I would also like to acknowledge all of myfriends who had been very supportive through thick and thin. I admit, KMB really produces intelligent and caring people. and for that, I am grateful for being given a chance to study here at KMB and meet these awesome people. I now have the spirit to carry on again and Alhamdullilah, I feel more motivated. No more stress2 pasal placement or anything. Now I can fully focus and concentrate on the upcoming IB exam which is less than a month away. Hopefully everything goes well and all of the year 2 KMBians dapat fly. I guess that is all for this entry. With that, maka berakhirlah sebuah epilog yang duka dan lara yang digantikan dengan semangat yang baru. Assalamualaikum. Here are some pictures that I put to keep me motivated. Enjoy. Hopefully this will be my future university. Doa-doakanlah kami ye :) And a friendly reminder to everyone including me, 'anything is possible when you believe'. Sekian.
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Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
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Dublin City at night |
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RCSI building |
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